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Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

FORMPAPIER® Side Cushions

Even simple and inexpensive packaging solutions made of moulded pulp can be effective and safe. In the picture above we show the shock-absorbing packaging of a hard disk. For this purpose we use two side pads which are made of sustainable pulp. The product is perfectly protected at all times in its outer cardboard box.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM


In our customized dividers, your products are accurately and at the same time safely stored for transport, efficiently organized and neatly separated. This ensures that the products reach their destination without a damage. The dividers are delivered flat and easy to assemble. Versatile products can be packed. The application areas are for example ampoule packaging, medical instrument packaging and many more.

Lesezeit: Minute(n) @ WPM

Divider made of Foam

High-quality dividers made of foam are used to hold small parts or vehicle components from the automotive industry. The dividers are shock-absorbing and prevent scratches on sensitive surfaces.

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