DE-PACK designs Solid Board Packagings, tailored to your packaging requirements.

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Solid board packaging is made of different grades, each produced according to specific requirements. Standards available on the market are complemented by many individual options. Displays, outer packaging, transport packaging, efficient shipping packaging and more are available.

Solid Board Packaging

The density of the material, the noticeable and visible smooth appearance, the fine structure of the material and the proven strength are the characteristics of solid board.

Unlike corrugated cardboard, which consists of several layers glued together, solid board is produced by pressing multiple layers on top of each other, as long as the mass of fiber material is moist and mouldable. The result of compression is a material that impresses with high strength and durability.

Flat, upright or cut to size, solid board packaging can be used quickly and effectively at any time. Especially in shipping, the folded boxes save a lot of space; pre-produced sizes and variants ensure that each package can be perfectly prepared for shipping. Also on the industrial side, solid board products are easy to use. The food industry in particular benefits from the wide range of packaging ideas.

Solid board packaging can be produced cost-efficiently and is also suitable for automated processes. Machine packaging is simplified, also due to the many standardized variations available on the market. Identical dimensions can be transported and used quickly as well as automatically or manually. In the mail order business, standardized sizes are always useful. Very small shippers can manually package goods, while large shippers are able to automate processes.

Vollpappe Verpackungen
Produkt Specs
Product Solid Board Packaging
Type Produkt-Gruppe
Parent ProductGroup Cardboard Packaging
Packaging-Type Load carrier
Packaging Property eco product
Alternative Names
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