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Work-life balance has the overall objective of achieving a work-life balance from the employee‘s point of view. The measures required for this are intended to express a company‘s appreciation of its employees. This should help to motivate employees. WLB measures aim to alleviate stressful situations for employees. The characteristics of the workplace should be largely oriented to employee needs in order to simplify work and increase job satisfaction. In this way, a positive attitude can be generated among employees, which increases productivity.

We want to achieve a multiple win-win situation with our WLB measures. Not only are personnel-oriented and company-oriented goals to be achieved, but we also want to „strengthen overall economic growth through the more efficient utilization of the workforce and the increased competitiveness of DE-PACK“.

Together Across the Finish Line

We see our employees as allies and therefore want to guarantee a secure and stable future for all of them. We take this seriously. Our corporate culture is characterized by mutual trust, respect and sharing in our economic success. We are also aware of how important the balance between work, family and leisure time is for an employee‘s performance and motivation. That‘s why we want to create individually tailored working conditions for each individual. This includes company benefits for retirement, health, as well as flexible working time models/accounts, parental leave and home office, etc. Furthermore, we ensure that workplaces are ergonomic, healthy and can be individually designed, because we spend a large part of our lives at work.